
Australia's life science research and research translation is enhanced through world class collaborative distributed bioinformatics infrastructure.

World class bioinformatics capabilities empower breakthrough discoveries, enabling the realisation of Australia's ambitions in human health, agriculture and biodiversity.


Australian BioCommons’ mission is to:

  • Provide sustained leadership in the provision and use of bioinformatics and bioscience data infrastructures at a national scale

  • Actively support life science research domains with community-scale digital infrastructures, which are developed and maintained in concert with international peer infrastructures, and tailored to support bioinformatics practice

  • Deliver sophisticated analysis capabilities, including software and hardware platforms that underpin world class science

  • Support digital asset stewardship and management, retention, integration and publication solutions as they evolve

  • Facilitate access to the digital techniques, data and tools that advance Australian capabilities across human, agricultural, and environmental genomics

  • Accelerate and enhance the impact of bioinformatics by leveraging digital technology advances such as artificial intelligence

  • Offer training and support solutions that develop transferable digital research and bioinformatics skills to leverage platforms, tools, services and techniques.


Our strategy is outlined in the Australian BioCommons 2023-2028 Strategic Plan.