The Australian Nextflow Seqera Service

The Australian Nextflow Seqera Service provides access to a centralised web platform for managing, launching and monitoring the execution of Nextflow bioinformatics pipelines on compute environments.

  • Schedule pipeline execution on any Seqera-compatible compute environments

  • Out-of-the-box configurations are available for running on NCI and Pawsey

  • Data exploration, workflow optimisation, report visualisation and more features are available through the web platform

  • Fully subsidised access to personal workspaces for individual researchers

  • Fully subsidised access to organisation workspaces for up to 3 users from the same organisation

    • Organisations with more than 3 users can try it for free for a year after onboarding, then an annual licence fee applies

  • Technical documentation and a user guide are available


Australian BioCommons operates the Australian Nextflow Seqera Service in collaboration with Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre, National Computational Infrastructure (NCI), and Seqera. The Service was established as an output of the Australian BioCommons Bring Your Own Data Expansion Project and is hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is supported by Bioplatforms Australia via NCRIS funding.