Galaxy Australia
Galaxy Australia is a hosted web-accessible platform that lets you conduct accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational biological research.
It’s free to use
Contains over 1100 bioinformatics tools (for genome assembly, annotation, epigenetics, metabolomics, metagenomics, proteomics, statistics, transcriptomics, variant analysis and visualisation)
Contains over 220 reference datasets (e.g. publicly available genome builds)
Tools can be chained together into workflows
Provides 600 GB working data storage for Australian based users
Has supported many researchers around the country undertake their bioinformatics analyses
Offers workbenches tailored for research domains eg. Galaxy Australia’s Genome Lab
Just log-in and start using it
Galaxy Australia news
Australian BioCommons delivers collaborative distributed infrastructure to enable life science research. The above BioCommons partners are collaborating to offer the Galaxy Australia service which is managed by QCIF, The University of Melbourne and AARNet, and underpinned by computational resources provided by AARNet, ARDC Nectar Research Cloud, the University of Melbourne, QCIF, National Computational Infrastructure, Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre and Microsoft Azure. These efforts are supported by funding from the University of Melbourne and Bioplatforms Australia. Bioplatforms Australia are enabled by NCRIS.