We establish community-scale bioinformatics services, in response to needs identified through our community engagement activities.
Current services run by our partners include:
Galaxy Australia - a hosted web-accessible platform that lets you conduct accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational biological research.
Australian BioCommons Leadership Share (ABLeS) - provides research communities access to tailored infrastructure and computational resources.
Australian AlphaFold Service - provides access to the AlphaFold 2 artificial intelligence system that predicts a protein’s 3D structure from its amino acid sequence.
Australian Apollo Service - a hosted web-accessible platform that lets you conduct real-time collaborative curation and editing of genome annotations.
Australian Fgenesh++ Service - fully subsidised access for Australian based researchers to the Fgenesh++ pipeline and associated compute for automated eukaryotic genome annotation.
Australian Nextflow Seqera Service - a centralised web platform for managing, launching and monitoring the execution of Nextflow bioinformatics pipelines on compute environments.
Australian Reference Genome Atlas - web portal to discover genetic and genomic data for Australian and Australian-relevant species.
Bioinformatics Tool Finder - which allows you to explore where hundreds of bioinformatics tools are installed as modules across NCI, Pawsey, QRIScloud/UQ and Galaxy Australia.
Bioinformatics Workflow Finder - which allows you to explore where various bioinformatics workflows are installed and optimised across NCI, Pawsey, QRIScloud/UQ and Galaxy Australia.
Bioplatforms Australia Data Portal - where you can search for data arising from the Bioplatforms Australia Framework Data Initiatives.
Training Infrastructure Service - dedicated Galaxy Australia infrastructure for running and monitoring training events.
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