At last: local team finally travels to join international Galaxy community
The Galaxy Australia team is thrilled to be jetting off to the Galaxy Community Conference in Minneapolis, USA from 17-23 July. GCC2022 will bring together hundreds of researchers, trainers, tool developers, software engineers, and computational infrastructure providers, all addressing common challenges in data intensive science using the Galaxy data integration and analysis platform.
The chance to meet up in person with the vibrant global Galaxy community has been sorely missed during the past couple of years, so members of the Galaxy Australia team jumped at the chance to discuss their work at the upcoming conference. Here’s a list of the speakers that will make presentations representing the excellent work of the much larger Galaxy Australia team:
Nuwan Goonasekera and Catherine Bromhead, from Melbourne Bioinformatics at the University of Melbourne, will present their talk ‘Metascheduling Galaxy jobs with Total Perspective Vortex’
Gareth Price, from QCIF at the University of Queensland, will offer a talk on ‘Galaxy Australia: an Evolving Scientific Instrument’
Anna Syme, from Melbourne Bioinformatics at the University of Melbourne, will present ‘Creating Galaxy workflows to empower research into Australia's unique fauna’
Cameron Hyde from QCIF at the University of the Sunshine Coast will present two posters: ‘AlphaFold on Galaxy - fast and accurate modeling of protein structure’ and ‘Galaxy Media Site - a full featured landing site for Galaxy Australia’.
Poster and demo abstracts will be accepted until 3 June 2022. GCC2022 features separate Training Day, Meeting, and CoFest events, which can be registered for separately or all at once, with significant discounts are offered to students and postdocs.