Interstate students converge in Melbourne to enhance their bioinformatics

AMSI BioInfoSummer offers a valuable opportunity each year to explore current bioinformatics research and developments. For the most recent conference, BioCommons helped make the experience more accessible to 18 students from around Australia by sponsoring travel grants.

Organised by the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute, the conference was hosted by the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Mathematical Analysis of Cellular Systems (MACSYS) and Melbourne Integrative Genomics (MIG) at the University of Melbourne.

As part of AMSI BioInfoSummer 2024’s well-rounded program, the ‘Emerging technologies’ theme included a ‘Hello Nextflow!’ workshop, presented by Australian BioCommons and our Sydney Informatics Hub Node at the University of Sydney.

Learn more about the outstanding recipients of our travel grant.

Christina Hall2025