Dr Melissa Burke

Melissa works with the bioinformatics training community and subject matter experts to design, develop and deliver bioinformatics training events. Melissa has many years of international experience in this role and specialises in online, self-paced training and virtual events. She particularly enjoys working with others to devise engaging ways of delivering learning content, whether it be for online or face-to-face training. Melissa also has extensive experience in infectious diseases and holds a PhD in Molecular Parasitology (2010).

Melissa wears many hats; she co-manages the National Bioinformatics Training Cooperative and represents the BioCommons on national and international working groups and committees  ELIXIR FAIR Training, DReSA, and the TeSS Scientific Advisory Board. Melissa joined the BioCommons in September 2020 and is based in Brisbane, where she enjoys bushwalking, gardening, sewing and knitting.

Melissa's position is funded by Bioplatforms Australia and hosted by QCIF and RCC at The University of Queensland.


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University of Queensland

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