Dr Josh Harris
Josh brings a wealth of bioinformatics and data management experience from both his PhD (University of Otago) on breast cancer pathologies, and his postdoctoral position at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre where he led the circulating tumour DNA arm of three breast cancer clinical trials. Josh loves data! He has interests in big data, data science, data engineering, and using bioinformatics approaches in cancer research. Outside of the world of data, Josh also enjoys spending time playing tennis and producing his own music.
Since joining BioCommons in January 2024, Josh has driven the adoption and harmonisation of multi-omic human data sharing and analysis platforms across major national research initiatives, and plays a key role in the promotion, evaluation and implementation of international data standards within the Australian human genomics community. He collaborates closely with research data custodians and engages widely within the research community including actively participating in national and international efforts towards harmonisation of genomic data management approaches.
Data commons repositories were instrumental forJosh’s PhD research back in 2021, and he is particularly excited to now work on building new data commons in his role at Australian BioCommons!
Josh's position is funded by Bioplatforms Australia and hosted by the University of Melbourne.