Prof Bernie Pope
Bernie holds a joint appointment as Associate Director (Human Genome Informatics) at Australian BioCommons, and Bioinformatics Lead at Melbourne Bioinformatics, The University of Melbourne. Bernie leads the Human Genome Informatics team at BioCommons who aim to identify and adopt leading technology to maximise benefit from human genomics data in Australia. They aim to do this by: removing barriers between researchers, data and analysis resources; facilitating sharing across data holdings for greater scale and analytical power; connecting and harmonising national and international research efforts; and ensuring data is appropriately accessed within ethical, legal and privacy standards.
Bernie has a background in computer science and his research focuses on applying computational techniques to biological questions, especially related to human genomics and cancer.
After completing his Computer Science PhD in Programming Languages, Bernie undertook an internship at Microsoft Research in Cambridge, before returning to University of Melbourne. Bernie also holds several adjunct or honorary positions that can be viewed on his personal website.
Bernie's position is funded by Bioplatforms Australia and hosted by the University of Melbourne.