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Australian Outpost of BioHackathon Europe 2024

The Australian Outpost of BioHackathon Europe provides an opportunity for Australian life scientists to gather locally and avoid the long haul flights, while checking in regularly with our international colleagues.

This is a unique opportunity to participate in a significant global event and network with international peers while working intensively on practical bioinformatics challenges. ELIXIR’s BioHackathon runs from 4 - 8 November 2024, with the Aussie Outpost working in an afternoon session plus some work in the early evening to facilitate linking up live with the team in Barcelona. We always make it fun, and you’ll get to know others from around Australia while you learn new skills.

The Australian Outpost of the BioHackathon will focus on a selection of projects:

The hackathon aims to:

  • Advance the development of an open source infrastructure for data integration to accelerate scientific innovation

  • Engage technical people in the bioinformatics community to work together on topics of common interest

  • Strengthen interactions, establish and reinforce collaborations through hands-on programming activities.

Expressions of interest to join the Australian Outpost have now closed.

You can read the wrap up and a participant’s blog post from last year’s event, and keep a look out for reports on the 2024 BioHackathon!

Earlier Event: 7 October
Galaxy Training Academy 2024