Analyse data

We offer an array of services to help you analyse your omics data:

  • Galaxy Australia - a hosted web-accessible platform to conduct accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational biological research.

  • Australian AlphaFold Service - provides access to the AlphaFold 2 artificial intelligence system that predicts a protein’s 3D structure from its amino acid sequence.

  • Australian Apollo Service - a hosted web-accessible platform for real-time collaborative curation and editing of genome annotations.

  • Australian Fgenesh++ Service - access for Australian based researchers to the Fgenesh++ pipeline and associated compute for automated eukaryotic genome annotation.

  • Australian Nextflow Seqera Service - a centralised web platform for managing, launching and monitoring the execution of Nextflow bioinformatics pipelines on compute environments.

  • Bioinformatics Tool Finder - find the bioinformatics tools you need across NCI, Pawsey, QRIScloud/UQ and Galaxy Australia.

  • Bioinformatics Workflow Finder - explore where various bioinformatics workflows are installed and optimised across NCI, Pawsey, QRIScloud/UQ and Galaxy Australia.

All services are fully subsidised for Australian researchers to use, except the Australian Nextflow Seqera Service which is fully subsidised for individual researchers and organisation with three or less users. There is an annual licence fee for larger organisations.

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The above services are offered in collaboration with the following partner organisations.