Accelerating Reference Data Generation

Note: BioCommons continues to support and accelerate reference data generation through the Australian BioCommons Leadership Share (ABLeS)

The benefits of generating molecular biology reference datasets such as assembled genomes or continental-scale environmental microbiome analyses are far reaching, and impact areas of health, agriculture, and the environment.

The critical importance of genomics, proteomics and metabolomics to addressing challenges of strategic importance to Australia is outlined in a diverse set of Australian Academy of Science Decadal Plans for Science: Biodiversity, Agricultural Science, Marine Science, Nutrition Science, Geoscience and Ecoscience.

Bioplatforms Australia and many co-funding partners are enabling the generation of new molecular biology reference datasets through their support of national collaborative projects. Using integrated ‘omics infrastructure, these projects address research themes of national significance through Bioplatforms Australia’s Framework Initiatives projects.

Australian BioCommons is facilitating bioinformaticians' use of computational resources at Australia’s national computing facilities, National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) and the Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre, to accelerate the generation of reference datasets from a number of the Framework Initiatives through ABLeS - the Australian BioCommons Leadership Share.

The intention of ABLeS is to grow and accelerate our national ability to construct, maintain and gain insights from community defined and developed data assets (eg. reference genome assemblies). ABLeS aims to provide communities with access to the necessary infrastructure to create those assets.

This Australian BioCommons program offers ABLeS communities computational resources, specialist expertise, a shared repository of tools and software, tailored to support the generation of valuable data assets.

For details of the resources, processes, eligible communities and contacts visit the ABLeS github pages.

Consortia currently supported through ABLeS include:
